Depth Creator
Set of programs for creating a depth map using YUVSoft DP.
Tutorial (for version 1.0): russian, serbian
Release notes:
Numbering of the input sequence must be the last in a name, and separated with "_". For example: input_00000.bmp
Scale and rotate operating in test mode and using them is not recommended.
When editing layer properties layers are cached arranged before.
Do not place the project files, 2D and Z in the one folder.
Tutorial was make for v0.29
Use k-lite mega-pack
DepthCreatorInternetClient consists of modules:
- DepthCreator - project management;
- ShotcutsMaker - marking keyframes;
- DepthDraw - drawing the depth map of keyframes;
- DepthHelper / BatchLauncher - sending tasks in DP and import results in AE.
Work have been discontinued unfortunately.
Last version (2 years ago): Download DepthCreatorClient.
Instruction for start working: start DCC on a computer connected to the internet, send me name of your computer, i will send back key.
I can give source codes under agreement.
DepthCreatorClient can work with a local DepthCreatorServer.