On May holidays air condition died in the studio. Has become very "warm" at my workplace.
When I decided to record the temperature graph for reporting, then remembered about development kit Matryoshka-Y.
A few words about the Arduino. I found it in the spring of this year. Proved to be very interesting and useful tool for rapid prototyping systems with computer interface and mechanics. A wonderful find for interactive. But back to the temperature.
Poking around the Internet, I have collected the following scheme
To assemble used the following manuals:
Arduino Thermistor Tutorial
Connection Diagram 7-segment displays for Arduino
Connection diagram fully corresponds to that in the manuals on the links above.
To gather statistics wrote a WPF program on Visual C # in VS 2010.
The program polls arduino with a specified interval, draws a graph of the temperature from the start and saves log of temperature in Log.txt
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